Pfizer Oncology Award


Art. 1

In 2024, Pfizer SA/NV will distribute the “Pfizer Oncology Award” at a value of 25.000€ to one innovative project focusing on patient care* in Belgium or Luxembourg. This innovative project can be either a clinical research or a multidisciplinary and/or trans-mural collaboration which aims at significantly improving the care of cancer patients. Patient care does not only refer to clinical, surgical, medical or technical aspects but also to the different ways of collaboration and/or organisation between various health care providers or different levels of care during the course of the disease.

Fundamental research and clinical drug trials are out of scope.

*Patient focus means : addressing unmet patient needs in oncology, the project must directly bring advantage to the oncology patient.

Art. 2

The online submitted projects must meet the following criteria:

1. The project must be realized in collaboration with a hospital, a network of hospitals, a university, a certified medical centre or a scientific society in Belgium or Luxembourg.

2. The project must be approved by the direction of the hospital, the university, the medical centre or the scientific society.

3. Should you win the Pfizer Oncology Award, the total funding for the project (i.e. amount of the Award including any additional funding you have received or will receive from other sources for this project) may not exceed the total budget for this project which you will need to detail in the online submission form.

4. The ultimate goal of the project should be to improve the quality and/or availability of patient care in oncology in Belgium or Luxembourg.

5. The project should not yet be in the implementation phase but rather in a conceptual stage. However some preliminary work may already have been done before, and in that case it should be explained in the submission form.

6. The project must start within 12 months after the award is granted.

7. The project must comply with and be implemented in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and codes.

Art. 3

1. The submitted projects will be evaluated by an independent jury (Scientific Committee).

2. The jury is composed of medical oncologists, haematologists and onco-nurse representatives. The jury is chaired by Prof. Sylvie Rottey  (Ghent University Hospital). The composition of the jury can be found on

3. The members of the jury can change from one year to another.

4. The Medical Lead Oncology of Pfizer will be present in the meeting during which the projects will be evaluated but will have no vote. A limited number of Pfizer staff members will also have access to your submission in order to ensure proper processing of your participation.

5. The members of the jury are not allowed to submit projects themselves. They will abstain from voting for projects which have been initiated in their own hospital or medical centre.

6. The voting process and results will remain strictly confidential. There will be no communication on the reasons for not being finally selected. The Chairman will inform all applicants by mail between Nov 4th and 18th whether they have won the Oncology Award. The Chairman will also inform applicants if they had submitted a project which was out of scope or if their project had ended in the Top 5 ranking so as to encourage them to continue their project.

7. The jury will select the two winning projects based on the following selection criteria and their respective weights:

Patient focus20
Applicability                  ( = impact on care)20


Patient focus means : addressing unmet patient needs in oncology, the project must directly bring advantage to the oncology patient.


1. Pfizer will distribute one “Pfizer Oncology Award” for a value of 25.000€. Taking overhead costs on this award is not permitted.

2. All applicants must be a not-for-profit healthcare organisation, i.e., a hospital, a hospital network, a university, a certified medical centre or a registered medical society in Belgium or Luxembourg. Applicants may not  be an individual.

3. For transparency purposes and in accordance with the applicable laws and ethics rules, Pfizer will publicly disclose the award on the appropriate platform ( for Belgium - for Luxembourg). This disclosure will include the name of the winning institution or organization, address, and concerned amounts.

4. The Award will not cause the winner to do anything that would result in Pfizer improperly obtaining or retaining business or gaining any improper business advantage;

5. The winner will not use any portion of the Award to directly or indirectly offer or pay any money or anything of value in an effort to influence any government official or any other person in order for Pfizer to improperly obtain or retain business or to gain an improper business advantage, and, have not accepted, and will not accept in the future, such a payment;

6. The winner of the Award is solely responsible for the winning project, including its compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and codes.

7. The winner of the Award (the Project Coordinator) commits to send a report to Pfizer within 12 months after the start of the project. This report will give an implementation overview of the project.

8. If the roll-out of the project has not started within 12 months after the prize distribution, the grant will have to be returned to Pfizer in its entirety. In this case, the Award will go to the second best project.

Art. 5

1. All projects must be submitted online in English via the Pfizer Oncology Award website Projects submitted by postal mail or via other channels will not qualify for the Pfizer Oncology Award.

2. Applicants can only submit their project via this online submission form and must describe their project within a limited number of 1000 words. For more precise information on how to submit your project, please see the How to participate? section on the website.

Art. 6

1. Projects can be submitted as from June 15th until September 30th at latest (closing at midnight). After this date no additional projects will be taken into consideration.

2. The Award will be distributed by the Medical Lead Oncology of Pfizer to the project coordinator at the occasion of the annual BSMO/Bordet meeting in Brussels in November or December 2024.

3. The award winner will briefly (10 mins) present his/her project during this event and after 24 months present their project results at the annual BSMO meeting in 2027.

Art. 7

All applicants must agree with these rules. Participation in this contest does not imply any right for refunding or any other compensation.

Art. 8

Participation in this contest also implies acceptance of the terms of use and privacy policy at the bottom of this page.

Click here to download the Rules in pdf format.